Apprenticeship Application Information (Accepting applications June 18-20, 2025 7:00 AM – 4:30 PM at 1220 E 2nd, Dayton, OH 45402)
“In the recruitment, selection, employment, treatment, and training of apprentices Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 162 Apprenticeship will not discriminate based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), sexual orientation, genetic information, disability, Hispanic ethnicity, or age above forty years. The Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 162 Apprenticeship will take affirmative action to provide equal opportunity in apprenticeship and will operate the apprenticeship program as required under Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 30, and the equal employment opportunity regulations of the state of Ohio.”
Outreach Lttr.Apps (aPPLICATION) (10).docx
United Association, Local 162 – Plumbers, Pipefitters & Service Technicians? Below is a description of the minimum requirements. The next page will contain a pre-application form to fill out, you will then be notified just prior to the next time the Apprenticeship Committee will be accepting formal applications. Applications are handed out on restricted day(s) only between the hours of 7:00 am and 4:30 pm. You will then be given several days to obtain the required documents and return everything with your testing fee before the next step.
Application Requirements:
You must be 18 years old.
A High School Graduate must have the following:
- A 2.0 cumulative grade point average.
- Two (2) full years of Math and have at least a C average in each course (C- not acceptable).
- One (1) full year of Science and have at least a C average in the course (C- not acceptable).
Exception to above: Additional adult or college training in math, science, or trade related classes and present proof of a grade of B or better with transcript, grade card or certificate.
A GED applicant must have a GED certificate, test results, and (eff. 3/1/16) have a total score of 145 or higher.
- A GED must have a score of 145 or higher on the Math portion of the test.
- A GED must have a score of 145 or higher on the Science portion of the test.
Exception to the above: Additional adult or college training in math, science or trade related classes and present proof of a grade of C or better with transcript, grade card or certificate.
All Applicants must provide an official SEALED High School transcript.
- High School graduate transcript must show date of graduation.
- High School transcript for GED applicants must show grades for years of High School completed.
- Transcripts must be placed in a sealed envelope by your High School and remain unopened to be considered official.
You will also need to provide the following documents:
- If you were in the military, a copy of your DD214 must be submitted.
- A copy of your birth certificate
- Everyone must have and provide a valid Ohio drivers license.
You will be required to take a pre-employment test with a non-refundable fee of $35.00.
You will be required to pass a drug test.
You must apply in person.
You must appear for an interview.
If Accepted for a probationary Apprentice, you will be required to:
- Serve as a probationary apprentice for a period of year (1700 – 2000 hours of an on-the-job training).
- Serve a 5 year apprenticeship including the probationary period (8500-10,000 hours of on-the-job training).
- Report for work on a regular basis.
- Provide for your transportation to and from the job site.
- Work under the direction of a Journey Worker on the job site and perform job duties satisfactorily.
- Attend related training classes regularly and maintain an acceptable average in those classes.
- Purchase text material for use in related training classes as required.
- Abide by all rules and regulations of the Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee.
Video from the United Association regarding the high quality of our Apprenticeship Programs:
Pre-Application Submittal
If you would like to be notified just prior to our next application date, please complete the following pre-application.